In the beginning of my College experience I was focused and ready to take on any challenges, but little that I know things will change. Trying to balance school and things that I come across in my everyday life became very difficult for me. Balancing school & tending to things that’s personal in my life was and not no easy task. My mistake was tending to personal business which made me fall deeper down the alphabetically score in my academics. Mistakes are just lessons that need to be learned. I remember back when I was 18 years old and I entered TCI I went AWOL. There was no reason why I went AWOL; I didn’t have personal issues I was dealing with at the time. I guess I was just immature. Now that I am 22 I reentered TCI with the mind set on accomplishing my goals, but now I do have personal issues I am dealing with and I’m not about ready to go AWOL again. I feel as if this is my last chance to balance school and personal life. When I get that second chance there will be no more room for mistakes.