Joseph John Rosenthal who was born In October 9, 1911 in Washington DC was famous for his World War II photograph called Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima which he received the Pulitzer Prize for. This photograph means a lot to American history and me because this shows courage, honor & teamwork. If you look at the photograph you see several soldiers helping to lift up the American Flag which shows teamwork. To plant and raise the flag while bombs and bullets are flying shows courage. Last but not least the honor these soldiers had to fight for our country shows a lot. Shortly after taken this photograph in 1945 Jose Rosenthal became chief photographer and manager of Times Wide Photos and a bunch of other creditable jobs. In August 2006 Jose Rosenthal died from natural causes at age 94. His legacy lives on; in September 2006 he was awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal by the United States Marine Corps. Also a Hollywood film called Flags of Our Fathers directed by Clint Eastwood tells the story about Jose Rosenthal and the people who raised the flag.
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